What an Escort Professional Owes and Doesn't Owe You?

With all misconceptions about escorts out there, the line between what an escort should and should not do, say, or offer to her client, got blurry. Read on as we discuss what an escort would-could-should do and what she wouldn't-couldn't-shouldn't.

What an Escort Owes You

A stellar performance

A professional escort should always be on her top game and ensure that the client is having a superb time and is entirely satisfied with the service. Being able to deliver a performance cut to a VIP level is a ‘must' for VIP escorts.

Timeliness and hygiene

Although on different sides of the spectre, both timeliness and hygiene are essential pieces for a quality escort profile. The escort must never be late or be late without letting you know. On top of that, she needs to maintain excellent hygiene - mental, emotional and physical, too.

Experience and manners

A professional companion is required to possess some form of experience and/or training to provide a certain service. The nuts and bolts of escorting are not skills learned on a whim, so the escort needs to have her manners polished and her experience rich.

Genuineness and quality

A VIP escort owe you to appear just as she does in the photos you chose her through. She also needs to be genuine and have a well-prepared bio and portfolio of services ready, which will add more to her overall service quality.

Discretion and privacy

A top-rated companion needs to be able to provide the client with maximum discretion and privacy during their appointments. This is the golden rule that sets escorts apart from any other date alike.

An explanation if the date is cancelled

Escorts rarely tend to cancel their dates -it does not work to their benefit and reputation - so if she cancels, it will be because of a health or a personal issue. In such a case, the escort owes you a timely notification so you reschedule or make other arrangements with a replacement.

What She Does Not Owe You

Answers to all your questions

Escorts keep yours and their privacy well shielded. That means that an escort is not obliged to share her real name, her address, any personal details about her or answer any touchy question you ask.

Saving extra time if you are late and don't let her know

When the client is late, he ought to let his escort know so she can either move the date for later or reschedule in case the client will be late for longer. But, even if you notify your escort, and especially if you don't, know that she is not obliged to spare extra time for the time you lost, since she might have another appointment to attend.

Giving you extra time in general

Some clients might ask their escort to stay for longer than they initially booked the service. However, if the escort is unable to find the time due to another obligation, she does not have to accept the proposal. If she has the time to hang out a tad longer, she'll let you know.