The Guide to Tipping Your Escort: What to Know Based on Your Booking

How to tip an escort? Should you tip an escort at all? If you do decide to give a tip when is the best time to do it and how much should your tip be? Read our escort tipping guide for the answers.

It Is Not a Must

Although covering for the escort service is a must, keep in mind that tipping an escort is an arbitrary decision. The only occurrence when you should tip an escort is when you are entirely satisfied with the service, and if you truly want to give her that extra boost of appreciation. When paying for a more extensive service, most clients will not provide a tip but might if they feel like their escort truly did a great job. However, since tipping is not a must, no escort will ever hold this against the client and will know that a client can still enjoy the date, even without the tip.

Hourly Services and Tips

When it comes to hourly services clients book, and when these hourly services are of a companionship nature, the service fee might be higher than with regular full-on service. Since clients are not traditionally known for tipping for hourly services, it is expected these to have a higher fee. And if a tip does occur, it is better that it is monetary rather than in the shape of a gift, since some escorts tend to avoid receiving gifts.

Timing is Important

If you decide to tip an escort, after all, it is important that you nail the timing. That said, it is best to leave the tipping for once the date has finished, so you can be sure that your tip is deserved and earned. Of course, that does not mean the escort did not do a good job if you decide to not tip her. Whilst the service fee is covered before the date begins, tipping is saved for last and should be done in cash, with the money placed somewhere near the escort, instead of you handing them to her directly, which is a no-no. A good percentage to consider for your tip is around 20% of the general service fee.

Service Duration Plays a Role

Another factor that might convince you to tip an escort has to do with the service duration and its essence. Namely, if the escort performed an outstanding overnight service, or travelled with you for a week, such a prolonged service might deserve a tip at the end of the booking. For any extras the escort added to the service on your request, it is also wise to thank her with a symbolic tip, and the same goes for any efforts the escort made outside the service to please you.