6 Reasons to Enjoy No-Orgasm Sex!

For all it is worth, no-orgasm sex can be a difficult scenario for many people to imagine. The culmination of your erotic pleasure, an orgasm is always more than welcome for both men and women. However, many sex studies explain that while great sex might end up with an orgasm, it is not required to have fun with the act.

In other words, there are many ways to enjoy sex without even having an orgasm, and here are the 6 reasons why.

There’s More to Sex than Orgasms

That is one of the key things to remember when you want great sex but not necessarily orgasm. Things such as kissing, foreplay, teasing, and cuddling are equally pleasurable as your climax and can be a great way to engage in some edge play. 

It Can be Great Practice!

If you want to boost your sexual performance and stamina, not having an orgasm might be a great way to get started. Namely, think of foreplay as a way of feeding your body with pleasure, but instead of releasing it through an orgasm, you will get to keep it and enhance it! With that, you can become more aware and in tune with your sexuality and will learn that an orgasm is, sometimes, worth the wait.

Sometimes It Won’t Happen, and That’s Okay!

It would be delusional to think that you will have an orgasm every time you have sex. Even if that is the case, most people don’t orgasm all the time. But, that does not mean they are not having fun in bed! Whenever you feel like your orgasm might fail you, stop chasing it, and focus on the pleasure of physical intimacy and touch.

Orgasms are Resourceful!

Meaning, you can orgasm in many other ways but with sex. For instance, many people experience workout orgasms, thinking-only orgasms, and even brain stimulation orgasms. So, without having to push yourself into having sex on a bad day, you might want to look and find your orgasm elsewhere.  

Anticipation Rocks!

It really does. Creating anticipation and developing sexual tension without ever having an orgasm can be a wild ride to experience. You can almost feel the sexuality coming out of your pores, but you want to keep boosting it. Talk about a buildup.

Not Exclusive to Physical Pleasure!

While sex is mostly done physically, it is felt and perceived emotionally, so it can be quite beneficial for you to have it, orgasm or not. Sex is still sex, even without a climax, and can help develop intimacy and bonding, which then is quite soothing to your mental wellbeing.

Source: https://www.bustle.com/articles/132685-6-reasons-why-its-ok-if-you-cant-orgasm-during-intercourse

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