Quality Traits Every Professional Escort Must Have

Professional escorts need to acquire a special set of skills in order to provide the service they do. The ones who are experts in their pleasure and comfort providing craft know that delivering a state-of-the-art service is what all clients are after - and they want clients to recognize quality traits just as easily!

Not every escort will be cut to your desires and needs, and not every escort will have key traits you may be looking for. Speaking from a general point of view, here are some of the characteristics to always look for in an escort.

She doesn't spill the tea

Your escort may ensure you that your privacy is guaranteed, but that might not be always validated. However, when dating a true professional, providing discretion is considered part of the service package. VIP escorts keep all their bookings and clients private, so don't shy away from asking your escort how exactly discretion works in terms of her provided service. Typically, you'll have the biggest safety and anonymity when dating agency-based escorts.

She understands reciprocation

Having an escort service provided to you needs to be a two-way street. Just as eager as the client is to meet his escort, the escort date also needs to reciprocate in the same measure. Some escorts are not all-the-way transparent with providing their service, or are not genuine or honestly loving what they do, so keep your eyes open for possible mishaps when looking for that perfect date.

She cares to impress you

A really important trait to look for in a professional escort companion is care and service essence. Namely, quality escorts will make it their mission to put the client's satisfaction first and will do their best to accommodate every request a client makes, of course, as long as it's not crossing an escort boundary. Escorts who want to pamper and spoil you make the most professional kind, as they'll always have your best interest at heart.

She never pushes beyond your boundaries

Speaking of boundaries, a top-notch escort will always respect yours to the fullest. Sometimes, poor quality escorts might try to push a client into trying something he is not comfortable doing. However, with an experienced and a VIP escort, all limitations the client has will be taken into consideration and respected.

She doesn't fall for you

One of the main things that set quality and poor quality escorts apart is the way they manage feelings and emotions. Though an escort can develop a bond with a client, if she's a true professional she will never jeopardize the nature of the agreement by catching feelings or worse, sharing them with her client. Escorts who know how to provide their service will always keep emotions and their bookings separate and ensure you get zero drama but one-hundred per cent pleasure.