4 Ground-Rules for the Sexiest Casual Escort Date!

What does it take to spend the most mind-blowing casual date with an escort? It is no secret that something about casual dating is just so appealing, but when dating an escort casually, the experience is even better! On top of being one of the most discrete and private experiences you can book, a casual escort date can keep your dating life lively, vibrant and eventful. 

But, to answer the initial question- if you are eager to learn what makes a casual escort date successful, here are the 4 ground-rules to follow.

1. The Perfect Pick

Although all high-class escorts would provide you with a great casual date service, some ladies have more experience in the field than others. In other words, choosing the most suitable escort for your first casual experience is very important and can add the perfect essence to the nature of your date.

If you are having doubts on how to pick the best escort for your date, feel free to consult your escort agency for recommendations or read escort reviews for more references.

2. The Limits

Once you choose your desired escort, you need to start thinking about boundaries and limits that work for both of you.

Some escorts are more liberal with their services, but others love to discuss the course of their date in advance and determine what will or won’t happen. Coming up with boundaries for your casual date is quite relevant, even with an escort, as it allows you to play risky while playing safe.

3. Being Honest

Honesty might not be your go-to move when dating casually with a regular lady, but when dating an escort, it is detrimental to the quality of your date.

Namely, your escort date will try to make your casual experience the best it can be. But, for it to feel right you will need to guide your escort and let her know when something is working or just feels off.

4. Always the Gentleman

While there is no real need to debate the next ground-rule on this list, we just somehow feel obliged to. Dating an escort, even casually, is a paid service on your part, which guarantees you a full-blown experience and lots of pleasure.

Now, paying for your services is one thing, but aside from that, what will leave the biggest impression on your date are your manners, like being a good tipper, checking-in with your escort frequently and hanging out with them even outside the bedroom fun.

Source: https://www.dmarge.com/a-guide-to-casual-sex

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